Dear friends, dear supporters and dear fans! We are back with a new update from the production period of EDGE13.
Formula Student Events 2022 On 28 January 2022 the time had finally come! TU Wien Racing participated in the rules quizzes to qualify for the individual Formula Student competitions. The team met at 10:00 AM in the Kuppelsaal of the Vienna University of Technology. The day started with the rules quiz for Formula Student East, followed by Formula Student Germany, Formula Student Czech and Formula Student Netherlands. The final quiz for our home competition, Formula Student Austria, was at 7:00 PM. Since November we have been practicing weekly for the rules quizzes, so we are even more pleased that our results even exceeded our expectations. Thanks to the great performance of the whole team, we were able to qualify for all competitions and even made it among the top 20% of all applicants in almost all quizzes. After an eventful day and a successful rules quiz participation, we are happy to announce that we will participate in the following competitions this year:
FS Netherlands (11.-14.7.)
FS Austria (23.-28.7.)
FS Germany (15.-21.8.)
FS Alpe Adria (23.-28.8.)
In calendar weeks 5 and 6, the tooling for the monocoque was laminated. Members from a wide variety of modules worked in shifts, sometimes spending day and night in the laminating room, where they were able to work quickly thanks to the preparatory work of the cutting team. Thanks to our hard working members, the mold is now ready for post-processing so that the production of the monocoque can begin as soon as possible.
Powertrain was able to complete the FEA of the motor, and the resulting graphs can now be analyzed and improved. In addition, the stator teeth arrived last week from our manufacturing partner WIHO. This means that production of the windings for the stators of our motors can continue. We expect to complete the first stators at the end of February.
The first set of wishbones has been tested and shows a satisfactory result. The layer structure is currently being changed minimally to simplify production and once again increase safety.
Making sure our car makes it to the race track every year requires not only countless hours of design, but also precision manufacturing of complex parts. With BIBUS we have had a reliable partner at our side for years, enabling us to incorporate complicated 3D-printed parts into our EDGE13. Due to the fireproof base material, these parts are mainly used in the area of the battery and not only enable improved performance through more efficient cooling of it, but also provide more safety in the cockpit at the same time!

Until then!
Your TU Wien Racing