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Newsflash Formula Student Alpe Adria

Dear friends, dear supporters and dear fans! We are back with a new update from the competition period of the EDGE14.

Formula Student Alpe Adria We were just at our first event in Hungary and now we are already sending out our last newsflash of our competition period. This year's FS Alpe Adria event race track was located near Zagreb, in Micevec on the grounds of the Rimac test facility. Last week, on August 21, we made the trip to Croatia for FS Alpe Adria, which was our last for the 2023 season. After a nearly four-hour drive, we arrived in Micevec and set up our camp for the next week. Shortly after, a few of our team members were off to the pits to set up this week´s home for our EDGE14. Along the way, the first pre-inspection, the Driver Egress, was already underway. After a long day and dinner together we finally went to the track for the official opening ceremony.

Tuesday morning the first program points of the event started. Beginning with the first scrutineering, focusing on the electronics, the mechanical inspection of the car followed in the late afternoon. We finished this first day with the inspection of our accumulator and with that successfully passed all three inspections without any problems.

The next scrutineerings awaited us the next day, on Wednesday. Spread over the whole day we completed the Tilt Test, the Rain Test and the Break Test. In addition, as always, the EDGE14 was weighed on the scales. After the successful acceptance, we were allowed for the first time, within the practice area, on the track, on which we would turn our laps the next days.

The following day we prepared the car and our drivers for the first dynamic discipline, Acceleration. After completing the Pre-Scruti and stepping on the gas, unfortunately a problem was discovered during the Post-Scruti and we were unable to participate in the next discipline, the Skidpad. We now had 36 hours to fix the problem and then compete in Endurance. While our mechanical team was busy with this challenge, the static disciplines took place at the same time. In the morning, the cost report was already presented. After lunch we continued with the Business Plan Presentation and the Engineering Design, the results of which we eagerly awaited in the evening. The joy was great when we learned that we had made it to the Business Plan Final and placed 4th in each of the other two disciplines.

On Friday, the focus was on the finals of the presentation of our business plan, where we were able to demonstrate our skills once again and secured 1st place. We also continued to work on fixing problems around our car to make it roadworthy again for the next day.

On Saturday, the last and most exciting day had already arrived. In the morning, the mechanical scrutineering took place again, which would tell us whether we would be allowed to participate in Endurance or not. The feeling was indescribable when it was confirmed that all the work of the last two days was worth it and we were back in the race. The rest of the day was spent getting the EDGE14 ready to hit the track at 15:00 o’clock. It was with great relief that we watched the EDGE14 cross the finish line after 26 laps! Although we were not the fastest team, our drivers were able to win the 2nd place Efficiency Award for us.

As on every event, the last evening at FS Alpe Adria was filled with the Award Ceremony with all teams. After we had already been on stage twice, for the Business Plan and Efficiency Award, we were also honored with the Hydrogen Challenge Award and an award for Best Recovery. To our great pleasure we were again invited to the stage for the 3rd place Statics Overall and with that our last event 2023 came to an end.

With this evening not only the FS Alpe Adria, but also our event time 2023 came to an end. We want to thank everyone who has supported us now and throughout this season so energetically, without the teamwork, these experiences and experiences would not be possible!

© FS Alpe Adria

Vienna University of Technology

15 years ago, the idea of a racing team at the Vienna University of Technology was born together by students and lecturers - the rest is history. The Vienna University of Technology is Austria's largest research and educational institution in the field of technology and natural sciences and has supported us with a wide range of resources since the founding of TU Wien Racing as part of our collaboration. From embedding our project in teaching to providing essential research infrastructure to integrating us into the TUW community, our work would not be possible without our alma mater.

We are proud to represent the Vienna University of Technology internationally and thank you very much for your support!

Until then!

Your TU Wien Racing



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